
We specialise in;

1. Peacebuilding Training – Capacitating individuals, communities and institutions in skills and knowledge to transform violent situations to just and peaceful relationships, communities and environments.

2. Conflict Analysis – Helping people better understand conflicts and their impacts from different perspective and work to address them at different levels.

3. Facilitation – Creating safe spaces for groups and communities to collaboratively address issues/ conflicts and explore joint non violent responses to problems.

4. Mediation and Dialogue – Intervening as Mediators and Dialogue Facilitators to help people arrive at amicable win-win solutions.

5. Trauma Recovery & Healing – Accompanying traumatised individuals, groups and communities in their process of recovery and healing.

6. Gender, Masculinity, Non-Violence – Working with women, men and youth to transform unjust beliefs, structures and behaviors that cause gender inequality and violence to women and girls.

7. Ecological Justice & Sustainable Development – Promoting inclusive and active participation practises in sustainable development and ecological justice.

8. Restorative Justice – Rethinking alternative options for community justice systems that heals, transforms and liberates people and relationships.